Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Ephesians 3:1-12

“I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of God’s power, Although I am less than the least of God’s people, this grace was given to me.” Vs 7-8a

I waited intentionally before I wrote this devotional at the probable frustration of our fearless leader, Michelle. It was originally intended for the Advent Devotional used for Worship and Contemplation during the Advent season, however I feel compelled to share it here as there is much in my head as of late. Let's see if anyone reads this blog.

I came upon a situation in late October that has reshaped my vision of leadership and servant-hood for the Gospel.
I thought previously, that being a leader and being a disciple for Christ meant that I had to engage and even turn up my already energetic personality. I was so wrong.
I had the privilege not so long ago to sit with a person in the most bottom depths of despair and confusion. For most of the day, I did not reveal to this person that I worked full time in ministry; I felt simply called to come alongside this person and be the light of Christ. It was not easy. I was ushered into a portion of this person’s life that few ever see. I stared face-to-face with life and death, despair and sorrow. When my natural instinct would be to talk endlessly and offer a million solutions, I could only sit in silence, listen, and pray. I could not change the circumstances and I could not control another’s actions or responses. I had to let the Holy Spirit guide my words and footsteps and trust. I had to be a servant of the Gospel in the most quiet and unassuming method possible.
This called me out of my comfort zone. Those that know me understand me to be an energetic and creative young woman. I am. What I am also called to be is a servant and a servant understands that there are times to speak and times to listen. A servant understands that they may help in a situation, but the Master makes the ultimate decision. A servant understands that quiet diligence is much more powerful than all the flowery speeches and creative ideas combined.
After that time spent on a gorgeous Monday, I understood clearly the mission of Jesus to preach and teach to those in the lowest pits. I understand that while I may have gifts and talents, my greatest gift is to listen to that still, small voice telling me that even I, little Cindy, have the honor to be a servant of Christ.

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