Thursday, June 21, 2007

Vbs Teaches Me More than Expected

Hello there I write this after a reprieve from Vacation Bible School last week. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome and the kids had a great time, it is just a lot of work and effort to make something like that come off without a hitch. Weather and torrential rains notwithstanding, we had a great time.
I had the chance to be present and watching kids this year, and what a treat that was. I was able to stand back and watch the interaction of the helpers and the kids. It was so cool. I think one of my favorite moments was watching the kids embrace mealtime as we did it family style. Instead of grabbing food and being rambunctious, they passed food and engaged in conversation around their tables. Quite civilized for a bunch of 3 year old - fifth graders.
There was another moment that struck my heart quite forcefully, 2 actually. on Thurs. I asked the children if they knew who the guest person coming for the day was. After numerous guesses, one little one said, "Jesus." I replied that He was already here, that he was here with us all the time. My son, Xavier, was sitting next to me on the step and told me that Jesus was here, "in my heart." WOW. There is little I can say in response to that. What a lesson from a 3 year old. How unafraid he was to express himself and how he felt. It reminded me of the song from Newsboys..."I'm not ashamed." If you have not heard the song, I encourage you to check it out.
The second moment came later Thurs. night after the program. A mother came up to talk to me afterward and in tears she mentioned that she was so thankful that her daughter had had the chance to sing songs like she did when she was a girl. I was taken aback at the urgency with which she spoke and then I looked at her daughter. Here they were in a moment of sharing and experiencing God together and I was able to see it. What a privilege. That is what I think relational ministry is, that is what God does. Move quietly, and then Wham, reveals something completely unexpected. Keep your eyes open.

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