Thursday, August 16, 2007

Just thinking

Hello all. I cannot believe the summer is gone and school will resume here next week. It is not possible that time flies this fast, is it?
I woke up on Tues. morning to the realization that my baby is now 4 months old and my oldest son will start Sunday School this year. EEEh gads. What will those teachers do with a whole roomful of little three year olds?
That brings me to the issue I bring forth today. Teachers. God Bless them. Whether they are teaching in a school setting, in a church, or office, wherever, God Bless them. They are a vital part of the learning process in school and at church. Not everyone has the gift of teaching and I am grateful each day that there are phenomenal teachers in so many areas.
At Asbury, we are blessed to have on staff some outstanding teachers working with youth and adults, when you get a chance to thank them or watch them in action take a minute and do just that. There are a number of adults with a wealth of information leading classes throughout the year. We are lucky to have them among us. We also have at the helm of the children's area some wonderful volunteers who give of their time and prayers to shepherd the young people. I feel better knowing when I take my son to Sunday School he will be cared for and nurtured in the best way possible.
After I wipe my eyes when I drop him off at his classroom I will breathe a sigh of relief that he is in a safe place and having a blast. I will also giggle and thank my lucky stars that I am not in that room with all those 3-4 year olds. They have enough energy to power the US a couple times over.
I simply wanted to take the moment I had for this blog to extend my thanks and good wishes to all those attending and teaching classes this year. Education is such a wonderful privilege and it is so generously supported here at Asbury. Bravo, and have a super year.

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