Monday, February 26, 2007

Things that make you go mmmmm.....

Ok, so I ripped the lyric for the title from a band in the early 90's. If anyone remembers the name, please rekindle my memory so as no to steal.

I am in a confused state as I wrestle with the collision of a secular world versus the christian realm. The number of outpouring of generosity and love that has come in the recent weeks in my life has been incredible. People from Asbury have been so supportive and loving that it takes my breath away. On the flip side, the collision of my life that involves those not following a christian path is so diversely different, it is hard to get my head around it much of the time. Is that an insane conundrum?

I am trying to remain non judgmental and loving and simply accept where people are, but sometimes it is hard no to hold people to the same set of expectations that I hold for myself. Jesus calls us to love all people without regard, am I the only one currently struggling with this call? I don't know....For the first time in many moons, I have nothing more to say....scary isn't it.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I was especially struck this morning by a song played in our staff devotions by our guest, Bruce Millikan. the song came from Fate's Right Hand and is entitled, Adam's Song. Aside from the obvious message contained in the lyrics about the loss felt here on earth when someone passes is the overwhelming theme of Strength that came across so poignantly.
The chorus reads; "We'll take each new day to give what we need to do our part
While we're learning how to live with a lifelong broken heart."
What powerful words. Contained in that chorus is the thought that even though a definite darkness has fallen and will fall there is action to be taken by those left in the aftermath of whatever situation may have occurred.
Bruce mentioned that the first time he heard the song, his mind immediately went to a specific thought, and the more he heard the song, a different meaning comes across loud and clear. I always hearken that as a sign of a song well written.
I believe it is safe to assume that each one of us has those lifelong broken heart places. Whether it be a relationship, a past regret, an unfortunate passing, whatever it may be, the remnants of that situation linger far into the future and can and do shape our viewpoints for the future. The challenge is to live while we are learning. What can we learn from that heartache today that we were not able to see yesterday or five years ago.
My mind travels to Mary, the mother of Jesus, as I read these lyrics. I cannot begin to anticipate the anguish she must have felt to see what was happening to her son on the cross. Yet, she bravely and faithfully allowed Him to carry out His mission. As a parent we want to save our children from any pain possible, and here was her son bearing all of our pain for eternity. She lived what it meant in the song to "take each new day to give what we need to do our part." Even more amazing is the attitude she took after His death to go about what she knew she needed to do. In spite of a heart full of sorrow and anguish, she showed incredible strength in picking up and caring for what was left. What an awesome example she sets for us.
Not that I am saying any of that would have been easy for Mary, nor is it any easier for any of us. I know sometimes I am whomped along the side of my head by something from the past that it almost takes my breath away. That is happening in my life here as of late, but I have a couple of choices.
I can wallow, i can let it derail me and cause a quandry of faith. Or I can seek to learn how to live with that piece of information, I can learn how it shapes me, and I can learn how to let it further God's Kingdom.
If you feel like checking out the song quoted here the Artist is Rodney Crowell with Adam's Song from the album, Fate's Right Hand