Monday, October 1, 2007

Senseless and Sad

I came back from a weekend away in the beautiul Black Hills of South Dakota wherein I dropped off my travel companion. Upon arriving on Sycamore she and I were puzzled to find bears and flowers, a memorial by the side of the road. She commented that it must be for a kid who had passed away. Unaware of any such tragedy I endeavored to travel home, as I drove past the McDonald's on 26th right before the 229 turnoff I saw the billboard commemorating Ashleigh. Still puzzled I grabbed my cell phone and placed a call to my mother who told me of the accident this past weekend. My heart sank.
I was a teacher, and hold dear the connections with kids whom I was able to relate. I wish in many of these type of circumstances I could take kids by the shoulders and shake them a bit. I have been to too many funerals where young people are involved in, or are the victim of senseless accidents. A fellow blogger I know, talked this weekend about lives being too precious to waste trying for the next biggest "high". I would have to agree wholeheartedly. The more I continue to age, and the more I see my sons grow I understand the precious gift that we have been awarded. It is just that, a gift. It is not to be taken for granted or abused or thrown away. God talks in the Old Testament of our lives being a breath, or a puff of air. One breath, that is all it takes my friends.
What am I saying? I am bothered today. I do not know Ashleigh, nor do I know the other individuals involved in this weekend's accident. I do know that a high school will be in turmoil and a good many people's lives will be irreversibly affected. Take a moment today, breathe in the beautiful fall air, feel it fill your lungs and travel the length your body and be THANKFUL that today, at this moment, it is yours. Today is yours to make a difference and make an impact, and please, be so very careful out there.