Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thoughts abound

HHMMMM, I recognize that it has been awhile since I have written, and that was a super passive voice sentence. I seriously wonder if anyone reads this, so I will take another shot in dark and see what it brings.
I am busy working full time and taking seminary classes in my "spare" time. I found that the classes I am taking are rigorous on the thinking heart part of me. I can intellectualize most discussions and rationalize quite a bit. When it comes down to real gut level emotion, I tend to shy away from dealing with it at all and turn it into a discussion of intellect.
I recently had someone tell me that the best people in ministry are such because they recognize themselves to be "wounded healers". This implies those in leadership positions within ministry settings do not have it all together as we so often assume. The phrase also implies an action toward an end, or that the process is ongoing. That maybe we are never fully done healing, or that it is a constant dying to self, and sacrificing who we are to realize who God wants us to be. Truth be told, I am a little afraid of that phrase. I am trying to wrack my brain for examples where we see Jesus as the wounded healer. Part of me does not want to think of Jesus in that vein.
So, for now, I will wrestle with what that phrase means to me personally, and what that means in the grand scheme....Till then...


Martha said...

Okay, since you wonder.... very often I read but don't leave a comment. Now that you've asked for it, watch out! LOL :-)

Anyway, I used to think that pastors must have it all together, even though I should have known better. After all, my father was a minister and he did not have it all together. As Wesley says, we go on toward perfection, always striving to be perfected through and in Christ, but not able to succeed this side of heaven.

Martha said...

That's interesting, I actually posted this at 8:44 but it says 6:44.......

cindy a. larson said...

I am learning more each day what that means. I am also learning more what it means to be of use as a wounded healer, and that is ok.