Thursday, May 29, 2008


I tell my sons every night before they go to bed that I love them and God wonderfully creates them. To my oldest son, Xavier, we talk often of the loving care that Jesus provides and the comfort that is in knowing God. We also talk of carrying Jesus with us wherever we go, so others can see that love in us. This happens almost every night as my young son, with big brown eyes, lies down on his bed and recaps the day. I admit there are moments when I wish our “talk time” would last a shorter amount of time. Thoughts of my own bed and relaxing take precedence as I try to focus on the needs of Xavier. This love lesson came back to me not so long ago.
I recently spent most of a week on the pediatric floor at Sanford hospital. Atticus, my 1-year-old son, was sick with Rotavirus and needed monitoring. There I was with a terrified baby, a sick one at that. My family was home, busy with other projects and jobs, and I was left there to care for my son, not worry, and to hold his arm as they inserted an IV. I was not feeling the love.
The first night in the hospital was rough as I had no place to sleep and Atticus tossed and turned continuously and ran a fever the whole time. With thoughts of our release time in my head, I realized we would not see a discharge from the hospital the next day, and I settled in for more waiting. In the early evening hours, my son, Xavier, burst into our room, smelling of sunshine and spring, smiling from ear-to-ear. I put on a brave smile and gave him a huge hug.
I ensured that both boys had adequate alone time with their parents. Mike had Atticus, and I sat with Xavier. With him on my lap, my ice cream Sunday in his hand, I looked again into those eyes so like my own, and told him I had missed him and I had thought of him all day. When I asked if he missed me, he gave me a chocolate syrup grin and shook his head no. Somewhat dismayed, I asked why he had not missed me. He cocked his tousled head and replied, “I carry you in my heart.” Astounded I asked what he meant, to which he replied that he never misses me because we are never apart. “I carry you in my heart just like Jesus, so I don’t ever miss you.”
Jesus is in the commonplaces.

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